da(4) 2009-01-15 18:59 -
see how she uses eyeliner with smoky eyes in her nice dresses on the contrary, for beauty commercial at Loreal products in casual weear, she didn't even put any eye-liner on
The beauty revolution of Theresa Fu 傅穎
da(4) 2008-11-05 16:21 -
Different styling of 章子怡
da(4) 2008-10-15 00:24This is 章子怡 from her beginning of her show biz changing... changing... changing changing with more personal character on stage with an evening dress now sexy in-style!!! and SEMI-smoky eyes -
Simple Casual Make Up VS Formal Dressing Make Up
da(4) 2008-10-14 13:23She is a well-known artist 蔡卓妍, see how she presents her look from a simple casual make up to a wedding gown photo shooting simple causal styling semi-smoky eyes styling -
Semi smoky eyes reference
da(4) 2008-07-24 23:37They are not real smoky but i found it so beautiful without so many colors on the faces No specific colors in the use of eye shadow, but will be oriented to enhance eye’s features, resulting in semi-smoky eyes effect. you may find it in most of the japanese fashion and -
Japanese Bridal Make Up Reference
da(4) 2008-07-24 15:56今次想同大家分享既係日本新娘子既化妝 , 佢地主張既 style 係唔受潮流既限制 . 色彩亦不需要太豐富 的妝容 . 將主題都放在靈魂之窗上 , 令整個妝容 , 更有立體感 . 留意佢地既眼妝 , 都係我最拿手既 semi smoky eyes ^^ -
我同Franche'''' 的第一次!!!
da(4) 2007-04-27 01:44上文提到皮膚科醫生都推介的 化妝產品 - 暗瘡皮膚都用得的粉底Franche'!!!用上此 產品有兩個月,暗瘡沒有再長出,只有粉刺 Franche' 既話事人知道我係Blog度大讚佢地隻粉底 (Zing就推介Lip Treatment http://www.franche.com.hk/xmas2006/Zing_Endorsement_full%20.jpg ) 兼推介俾各方好 -
da(4) 2007-05-14 14:48多謝友人AL 經常跟我share d beauty tips。記得數年前她由美國帶來數本Sephora的catalog開始,到現在我仍然是Sephora的迷!Sephora是美國一間專買Beauty Product的大型連鎖店,產品種類比香港的Sa Sa及卓越還要多還要齊。之前在香港大買的Stila同Lorac都可以在Sephora找到! Sephora的catalog的確是不少女生恩物,今 -
難忘的蛋糕之旅 - 神戶!!!
da(4) 2007-05-13 18:34數星期前友人R帶我到銅鑼灣一間專食CAKE既 shop,味道不俗但卻令我想起係神戶的甜品美食!! 本人係甜品既超級FANS 無論中西式都絕對唔放過。今年新年到日本探親同工幹,行程緊密,只有一日留係神戶。除左晚飯品嘗超級美味既神戶中柳之外,其餘早餐,午餐及下午茶都係食CAKE! 係神戶幾乎每一個各落都有CAKE SHOP