新婚圈子 - 2013年11月結婚新人圈子
80% Done... Hong Lok Yuen Poolside, Tai Po:)
manymanies: Me!:)Me in Regal Hk hotel ~~~ also 80% done !!! 仲未有花ball , 姊妹dress 15號定款
80% Done... Hong Lok Yuen Poolside, Tai Po:)
Glady: Me in Regal Hk hotel ~~~ also 80% done !!! 仲未有花ball , 姊妹dress 15號定款lol Actually 20% left is not yet 過大禮, 封利是, 租旅遊巴, 無LU, 其他野做晒~
manymanies: lol Actually 20% left is not yet 過大禮, 封利是, 租旅遊巴, 無LU, 其他野做晒~did u look the promotion which WOW have mention before? but 3 hour free 2 hour? it is very chaep , i book there
http://wow.esdlife.com/space.php?uid=29736&do=blog&id=146367[本話題由 Glady 於 2013-05-23 18:12:33 編輯]
小朱: ME, 9/11 尖東酒樓開始有d緊張.... 其實呢日係咪好日, 我無擇過日
Big day 衫下個月去confirm, 花球未book
Glady: did u look the promotion which WOW have mention before? but 3 hour free 2 hour? it is very chaep , i book thereyes i know, Rachel's one, ya she has discussed with me about this issue before... but 24 seats not enough for me... I need one bus with 28 seats and 61 seats. I have quoted price with supplier, just too lazy to book... and awaiting for guest confirmation if they will take our bus...
Glady: 開始有d緊張.... 其實呢日係咪好日, 我無擇過日Yes good day!
Glady: 你係where 擺??? 進度如何?70% done....
我係金都國宴擺~油麻地~而家爭D濕碎野~花球同姊妹裙....[本話題由 winniewwl 於 2013-05-24 09:47:05 編輯]