新婚圈子 - 婚禮DIY
睇睇有冇JM有興趣接收我個 BACKDROP~~大大細細嘅花合共有84個,有4個size (直徑約): 33cm, 28cm, 25cm, 17cm
呢D係close up, 右邊係rose 係25cm, 17cm,左邊係poppy係33cm, 28cm,poppy款會再加花蕊同埋d瓣會執一執~~
睇睇BIG DAY當日嘅相先~~呢個就係我同我妹嘔心瀝血嘅BACKDROP
Kathy0127: 有興趣呀...已pm,謝謝~~
阿子: 其實我覺得好令,不過d色唔岩用i have the template n instruction.
please send me ur email~~
阿子: purplepurpli@gmail.comsent la~~
can you send to me also ? Thank you !
你用咩固定D花係牆上? Send me the detail please, Thanks.
CarmenBB: 你用咩固定D花係牆上? Send me the detail please, Thanks.大頭針~~
i want to know how to make these flower, would you mind send me the template and the tutorial... thanks!
ivytweety: i want to know how to make these flower, would you mind send me the template and the tutorial... thanks!sure~~please leave me ur email please~~
wingyincat: sure~~please leave me ur email please~~My E-mail address: iykwan@yahoo.com.hk
ivytweety: My E-mail address: iykwan@yahoo.com.hksent~~please check~~
wongsiuba: 可以email比我嗎?sorry~~just saw ur msg.
sent already~~~
Can u share how to make it ?
I want to know how to make these flowers, would u please email to me. My email address is tmrisanotherday09@yahoo.com.hk
pcbl: Can u share how to make it ?sorry for late reply!
please leave ur email for contact, thank you!
May I have the instruction also?
My email is :irislsi@hotmail.com
Thank you!
YUKE9: I want to know how to make these flowers, would u please email to me. My email address is tmrisanotherday09@yahoo.com.hksent la!!
irisliu: May I have the instruction also?sent la~~~
My email is :irislsi@hotmail.com
Thank you!
v beautiful~ do u mind sharing your tutorial n instructions with me too? thxx!
Mag12914: v beautiful~ do u mind sharing your tutorial n instructions with me too? thxx!sure~~please leave ur email for contact, thank you!
我都搵緊立體紙花嘅製作方法啊, 可唔可以send埋俾我呀? Thanks a lot!
My email address: hobe1013@gmail.com
be007: 我都搵緊立體紙花嘅製作方法啊, 可唔可以send埋俾我呀?Thanks a lot!Sure~~sent la~~
My email address: hobe1013@gmail.com
順便send埋呀!thanks thanks!~~~ 有無話D紙邊到買架?
Please email to csusuetlei@gmail.com
麻煩我都想知點整 ! email: lovesum0321@gmail.com thxthx
Please send to nataman@dogmail.org
Thank you!
nataman: Please send to nataman@dogmail.orgsent~~
Thank you!
how to make it?zero_hi_chan@yahoo.com.hk ,thx,how much?