





MWG的主頁 | 打個招呼
  1. MWG: This dress is now available for rent! Perfect for pre-wedding photos! https://www.wardrobista.com/collections/all-products/products/needle-thread-nude-jet-frill-ruffled-embellished-tulle-gown 回覆
    (11-05 15:27)
  2. MWG: 想放needle and thread 裙,95% new. 只係著過映pre wedding 幾個鐘 UK size 8 冇改過 有意請PM 平日港島區或weekend 馬鐵或東鐵沿線優先 回覆
    (02-25 19:52)
    1. nana2017: Pls pm me the details, thanks! (02-25 19:53) 回覆
    2. MWG: I have just uploaded the photos in my 相簿, please have a look. Or you can PM me your number and I can whatsapp you the photos (02-25 19:58)
    3. hnlee: Can u pm details, thx (02-25 19:57) 回覆
    4. Kakameow: Can u pm me details? Thanks! (02-25 22:00) 回覆
    5. donorlex: Pm plz (02-26 00:54) 回覆
    6. agnnn: How much? Thanks (02-26 11:56) 回覆
    7. Cherryjai: HOW MUCH ? PLEASE PM (02-26 15:47) 回覆
    8. 小白維尼熊: could you pls pm thanks (02-27 00:11) 回覆
    9. Cathywong417: 有興趣,請問幾錢? (03-13 19:33) 回覆
    10. MWG: This dress is now available for rent! Perfect for pre-wedding photos! https://www.wardrobista.com/collections/all-products/products/needle-thread-nude-jet-frill-ruffled-embellished-tulle-gown (03-22 16:41) 回覆
  3. MWG: 想問有冇人知道紅磡天澄閣送嘅帖係咩樣?佢唔包印,邊位b2b有印刷公司介紹呢? 回覆
    (02-15 14:15)