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已有 346 人次訪問, 135個積分


  • Destiny is destiny, destiny is destiny

    In the past someone asked a hermit, "what is fate?" The hermit thought for a moment and said, "destiny is destiny, destiny is destiny.&

    閱讀全文 | 11-28-2018 11:57 | 沒有評論

  • Every Day is A Gift

    My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister's bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. "This", he said, "is not a sl

    閱讀全文 | 11-28-2018 11:17 | 沒有評論

  • As much as the heart is beautiful, so much is the world

    Buddha said: what you have in your heart, what you see. A person is quiet inside, abandoned the mundane ugly, believed in the existence of a beautifu

    閱讀全文 | 10-22-2018 12:13 | 沒有評論

  • Key to childhood

    I was born into a poor family in the countryside in the 1970s. I was the eldest daughter of my family. I had a younger sister two years younger than m

    閱讀全文 | 10-22-2018 11:28 | 沒有評論