





Gee的主頁 | 打個招呼
My home in Switzerland, my heart in Hong Kong
  • I found you...

    Gee 2011-04-10 06:18

    I found you...

    在剛過去的星期二至星期五,我到了London進行我的找尋"The One"之旅。考慮了兩個星期,這是上一個星期才決定成行。為了找婚紗而專程去到那麼遠,其實都頗顛。 有什麼會有這麼大的吸引力? 就是Jenny Packham 的Bridal Sample Sale。為期只有2日。她所設計的裙,真的好靚好靚!! 很幸運,我在Lo
  • 有關瑞士註冊,自從一月寄出所有文件後,除了等,沒有什麼可做。 不知為何,在此時,男友突然問起香港婚宴的情況。當時,其實一點進展也沒有。不過,我們很迅速地決定了10月28日這個日子。 由於我不在香港,從那天起,便展開了我不眠不休上網的日子,歴時一個月。因為不能實地考察,故我主要參考esdlife和
  • 421

    Gee 2011-03-24 17:14


    在11月尾,我倆決定結婚。不知為何,很自然的便覺得應在Zurich辦理,接下來就帶給我很多麻煩。 由於我已在Zurich,所有所需文件,也要郵寄回香港,經由瑞士領事館加簽後,送回Zurich。。而且,有關文件,亦要我在Zurich先找公證人加簽。由於男友要工作,我真的不想煩他,只在有些情況,真的需要一個德文人,才找他岀
  • More researches on wedding gown

    I have thought of going to London to visit some friends for some time. Since spring is finally coming, I started checking for flight tickets. If I will really go there, needless to say, I will make use of the opportunity to find my "The One".   Love these dresses so
  • Wedding party in Germany

    Gee 2011-03-21 19:47

    Wedding party in Germany

    Since my boyfriend comes from a small city in Germany, we plan to have our big wedding party there. Yesterday, which was a lovely sunny day, I got nothing to do and so I started searching for some beautiful venues.   My favourite #1 This is a restaurant inside a hotel in t
  • Our wedding bands

    Gee 2011-03-17 19:23

    Our wedding bands

    We just had a short weekend in Paris. At first, I wanted to go to some bridal shops for wedding dresses. However, since it is the European tradition that the groom cannot see the bride's wedding dress before the wedding day, that means I have to do the search by myself. At the end, we did not 
  • 心有點不安...

    Gee 2011-02-28 21:04


    The documents have finally been submitted to the Swiss Embassy in Hong Kong. However, how long does it take for them to process the documents? I don't know, as they just asked me to be patient.   Unlike other brides-to-be, I have a very strange feeling throughout the whol
  • My first time

    Gee 2011-02-25 06:22

    My first time

    This Tuesday, I have visited a bridal shop to try some wedding dresses. It was my first time wearing a wedding dress. I felt really quite excited.   I tried 8 dresses in total, 4 of which were Pronovias and 1 was Vera Wang. Surprisingly, I liked these two the most, both of which wer
  • My progress...so good!

    Gee 2011-02-18 00:42
    After spending 2 weeks days and lights surfing on the internet and sending emails to different vendors, I have almost made my decisions for most of the important items for the dinner in Hong Kong. MUA : Almost confirmed (just need to pay the deposit) Pre-wedding photographer : Almost confirmed
  • Information overload

    Gee 2011-02-13 04:01

    Information overload

    Since I have finally booked the venue, I started collecting information from various blogs and forum on the internet about MUA, photographers as well as venue decoration.   After spending days and lights surfing on the internet for a few days, I am now from having no informatio
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